The Brad Calhoun Experiment
Where Brad rants about News, politics and everything else.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Hey Left, I Told You So
I hate to say I told you so. This is a phrase I've had come to my mind lately. With Donald Trump in the White House, I've seen more and more people concerned with the level of power wielded by the President of the United States.....Pretty interesting considering that there was section of people warning of the executive power's over reach. I wonder who that was? It certainly wasn't the right establishment who set the wheels in motion during the Bush years by enacting PATRIOT act which gave the government power to spy on their citizens. It certainly wasn't the left who allowed Obama to indiscriminately bomb and in prison who ever they want. Trump can start war, he can kill people and we over the years allowed this power because we always believed it would be placed in responsible hands. I'm not really here to jump on Trump and say he's not fit to be president because I'm unsure anyone is fit to rule over 300 million souls. So regardless of what I think of Trump, the one good thing he has accomplished is that he made everyone realize we need to reign in the executive powers. All those times calling him "worse than Hitler" were the same ones laughing at people wanting to keep guns in case of a tyrannical government take over. Do I think we are under a rule of a tyrannical government? Of course not but doesn't mean they don't need to be reigned in significantly. This government is sick and needs to be cured of its sickness. Will Trump "drain the swamp", that will remain to be seen, but early reports show that the swamp is more likely to eat him up. It is a long 4 years and a discussion of "4D Chess" is brought up but its looking unlikely. Defeating the state is quite the daunting task and even the hero of the left Barack Obama couldn't stop wheels in motion. Well its going to be interesting to see what happens, but I can't help but tell the left who accused me of being crazy.....I TOLD YOU SO!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Atlanta Ice Storm Experience
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Around 2:00 PM in the Apartment Complex job site. |
Before I go into detail about my experience with this atrocious even, I wanna start off by saying "I'm an idiot". I made some questionable choices and I should of taken some different routes and gotten off early. I was working on a job site in Sandy Springs, GA, a suburb of Atlanta and my hotel was at the Holiday Inn in Dunwoody which is approximately 6 miles away. The first sign of snow started approximately 10 AM. I knew the roads would be bad but I had no idea they would be this bad. I thought maybe I would be on the roads at the worst til 10 PM. I even drove on them at 1 PM and they had snow on them but no severe ice. I thought it would be fairly easy (see I'm an idiot). So I continue to work my crew and the snow is rapidly falling from the sky. I didn't receive a call from my boss to cut the crews early and no reports of the roads being terribly bad just bad traffic.
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Roswell Rd. at 1:00 PM |
At about 9 PM I decided to try one more time, double no dice. Northridge was a grave yard of cars past and Roswell Rd. was bumper to bumper. I tried to get up Dunwoody Pl one more time. I had a clear path and I almost had it and then I started slipping and this was a hairy moment. When I knew I had no chance of making up the hill and I think made my way back down the hill but there was a few cars that were stuck. I'm backing down slowly and narrowly missed this lady in her car and I could see her face scared to death that I was going to hit her. I made it down and decided I was royally screwed. All possible routes were blocked with cars and horrific hills, now I was in full survival mode and I was going over my options. I can sleep in my truck, I have 3/4 of tank and I could always get more but that was not my favorite option. I could go back to the job site which is an apartment complex and sleep on the floor and try again in the morning. I decided that was the best choice. I called my boss and updated him and he wanted to drive out to come and get me, I told him to not get us both stuck. He was genuinely concerned for my safety and I thought it was safer for all of us to stay off the road. I arrived at the apartment and laid down and actually threw my pants and socks in the dryer which were all wet from the snow. I laid down for about 2 hours, I would like to say I shut my eyes but I couldn't be fully sure. The apartment unit had walls taken out so it was very cold and I just couldn't sleep very well. At around 12:30 AM I was fully awake and I was truly concerned about tomorrow and I just wanted to be at my hotel. I got all my stuff and jumped in the truck and went into a parking lot to look at the traffic and try to work up a plan. I was trying to find a back road, I attempted this route which I can't currently tell you where it is.
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Roswell Rd. at 12:30 AM |
This road took me exactly no where so i decided for some reason to go north on Roswell Rd. This is the road that took me in the opposite direction and it had tons of cars. I sat there for just about an hour and I found out they were diverting the traffic to Azalea which would run back into Roswell Rd. which could lead me to Highway 400. This was my plan. Just get to the highway and just tough it out there. I was going down streets I've never been down before and I was just following where I thought I could get to Hwy 400. During this whole ordeal it was full on mayhem, I didn't stop at stop lights because I never wanted to stop momentum. I finally made it after about 45 minutes of driving, this was such a win, I tried for many hours to get to this highway. Where I was was initially was approximately 1 mile away. I basically drove 6 miles out of the way to get to Hwy 400. Hwy 400 was awesome and I have to tell you I was a little frightened about this because the entire highway was empty (except for the abandoned cars which were scattered throughout hwy). I was just wanting to stay on the highway and get on I-285 which my hotel was off of. I was feeling like a genius at this point, I was cruising down 400 and the conditions were fine.
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I-285 traffic at around 3:30 AM |
I heard it was going to snow around Saturday so this wasn't a huge surprise. Atlanta in my opinion should be EMBARRASSED by their response and preparation for this event. I don't wish what I went through on anyone. I had a few friends in Atlanta who went through a similar experience. I'm not being dramatic here but it was one of the most stressful and draining nights of my life. Again I was one of the lucky ones. I didn't hit anyone or get hit by anyone and I didn't have to leave my car on the side of the road. I would of done a lot of things differently of course but I was in a town I wasn't familiar with and it was extremely stressful. The best part of it, I made it to my bed.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Sherrod's Corner
Interview By Brad Calhoun
Sherrod Harris was a highly recruited in high school by numerous Division I colleges. What do I have in common with Sherrod? We went to the same high school. How about that?? Well he committed to the University of Texas along with Colt McCoy and Jevon Snead. Sherrod has since graduated from UT and is now able to be frank with me. I will try not to talk too much about himself personally but I would like to know what he thinks about sports. We will hopefully try to do this regularly or just until he gets annoyed with his former school mate.
Just in case your a moron, I'm BC (for Brad Calhoun) and Sherrod is SH (for Sherrod Harris)
BC: You opted out of playing this season with Longhorns and concentrate on school. Was this a hard decision for you to make? And what did you get a degree in?
SH: I did opt out. It wasn't as hard as most believe. It was the best decision to make based solely on the what I had been through while in the program. I graduated with 2 degrees including Marketing and communication studies.
BC: Overall what was your college experience like and what have you learned from it (mostly from football, we talk about all the great parties on another blog)?

SH: College football was amazing. It encompasses every emotion into this one sport while also giving you an avenue to change those emotions during your career with hard work and opportunities. It teaches you very much about life, in that things don't always work out for you. College football for the players creates the thickest skin. It's a fascinating experience.
BC:I know you would love to talk about yourself all day but I actually wanna know you opinion on sports. This year was one of the worst seasons I can recall the Longhorns having. What do you believe went wrong?
SH:I think they were simply young and not as good as everyone expected. That's all. Blame can be placed everywhere. There was no leadership apparent when I watched games and it was like no one wanted it as bad as players in the past. The fight was not there anymore.
BC:You worked very closely with Garrett Gilbert (a complete assumption but I figure you might of talked to him atleast) . Do you believe he will become star quarterback that Texas needs to make it back to BCS Championship or even just a bowl game?
SH: I did work closely with him, quarterback room is very close. I believe he will eventually get to the level everyone expects. I think people placed too many expectations on this team. Suspect o-line, no proven stars on the offensive side of the ball, and then a young quarterback? You didn't have that before. Colt - experienced o-line, solid receiving core, solid running backs and the same with VY. He made some mistakes this year but it didn't help that no one was there to help over look those mistakes like quarterbacks in the past.
BC: Greg Davis "resigned" from being the OC. Do you believe it was on him or the poor offensive line or lack of running game or the inefficiency of Garrett Gilbert or just the whole damn offense?
SH:I think all of those can be considered. I saw Coach Davis give more freedom in the offense this year than I had ever seen him do with Colt. He allowed for GG to be able to choose plays based on his perception rather than the numbers that he usually looks at. I believe a lot of things weren't good this year but the freedom he gave may have caused Coach Davis to look worse than he was.
BC: Predictions for the Longhorns next year?
SH:I think the team will improve. To what? I'm not sure but I don't believe they will be below .500 again. The changes were necessary to shake things up and I think they did. They went and got some young talent for every coaching position and it was a great job by Coach Brown and Deloss.
BC:So we all know the BCS is complete bullsh, what do you think is the best idea for getting the best two teams in a national championship game?
SH:I believe the best teams made it to the BCS this year based on how they competed every week. I think it makes every game important. There is no other system like it where every regular season game impacts if you go to the championship. I do think eventually people will find a way to go to the 8 team playoff and I think it will be great for the game but as of now, the BCS is the best system for accountability throughout the whole year.
BC:I doubt we are going to break any stories here but in the light Cam Newton and his indiscretions, do you believe there is a problem with players getting money? Of course I've also gotta ask, how much did Longhorns give you? Yes this is a joke.
SH:Ha Ha I think they only pay the players they plan on playing. LOL I think it's worth looking at. When athletes finally get out of college, we don't have any work experience because we aren't really allowed to work. So mostly throughout the year we are broke and you'd be crazy to think guys are ok with that.
BC:Do you enjoy the spread offense and shotgun offenses? I like mixing it up more with being under center. Maybe I'm a little old school. Everything I see on Saturday now looks more like a flag football game then an actually football game.
SH:I am a fan of mixing it up. I think it helps for balance. I'm assuming that coaches believe it helps qb's see the defense better and it translates better from high school programs because all the high schools are doing it now... Well, in Texas at least.
BC:In the blog interviews you've done since leaving school, where would you rank this one?
SH:This is my first blog interview outside of the program so I believe I would have to rank this one second. LOL. I'm kidding. I'm always open bro, ask me anything at anytime. Let me know.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Totally Bored Tuesday

It's just not true- Janet Jackson, Cher and Marilyn Manson have something in common.
I love Tea Parties! They are HOT!
Funny Looking Pool
Facebook is lame and here is the website. I'm also worried about the youth of America's grammar
If you want your wife or husband to burn in hell, get this guy!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Mondays are for Jackwagons!

Rangers Magic number is 6 and the Cowboys blow balls. Time for some distractions. Here you go guys. Enjoy, please hope I keep this up.
I won't lie I thought this was a joke, Danny Balis from the Ticket is actually quite an artist.
Mascots are effing crazy! This is the reason why the Ohio mascot is a dick.
Find out what to wear before you go to the Rangers game
Thank you Gordon Keith for this!
Cousin Eddie might have lost his mind
I just love Ironic signs!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Guess who is back???
I know its been such a long time since I have done anything on this. I'm sure everyone has been waiting......did anyone even know about this page? I really don't care. Basically this is going to be my BS blog. I just post things I think are funny or interesting. Don't expect too much from this but I know I do miss writing so this is only the tip of
the iceberg.
Jack Rouch owner of Rouch racing after his crash in Wisconsin. Second plane crash since 2002...time to stop flying old man.
Photographer trying to get that exclusive photo and thanking Romo for the access.

Jack Rouch owner of Rouch racing after his crash in Wisconsin. Second plane crash since 2002...time to stop flying old man.
Photographer trying to get that exclusive photo and thanking Romo for the access.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
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